“All the News that’s Fit to Print” Volume XI Issue I Summer 2018
From the President…..
On behalf of the LTCA Board of Directors, I would like to welcome all of our residents back for the Summer of 2018! This year’s General Meeting will be held on Sunday, July 1st at 10:30AM at the Clubhouse at Woodloch Springs. We encourage all LTCA members to attend this meeting as we will be discussing a number of important issues which will impact all homeowners. Those residents who are not current with their LTCA dues ($40.00) are once again asked to join so that they can partake in this important decision making meeting. As this is a meeting for the Lake Teedyuskung Community Association, please be aware that only those who are up to date on their LTCA dues may make comments or suggestions.
We want to thank Woodloch Pines for once again providing fireworks for this year’s Independence Day celebration. Fireworks will take place Saturday, June 30th with a rain date of Sunday, July 1st. The additional fireworks display will be on Tuesday, July 3rd with a rain date of Thursday, July 5th.
We look forward to seeing all of our friends once again enjoying everything that our lake has to offer in harmony with nature and each other.
Environmental and Water Quality:
The alum treatment project has thus far been a tremendous success. We thank all those property owners who have paid in full and ask that those who have only made partial payments or no payments at all to please bring their accounts up to date at this time. The initial alum treatment was paid off five years ago. It has now been 11 years since the lake was treated with alum. We have always known that the positive impact of the treatment was anticipated to only last for 8-10 years. As we have now reached that threshold, we continue to collect $300 a year from each homeowner for the Water Quality Account. Unlike in the past, we do not want to wait until the lake is unusable until we take steps to remedy the situation.
Safety and Boating:
The LTCA would like to remind everyone of the established Boating Regulations and asks everyone to please abide by those rules. Most importantly for the enjoyment and tranquility of everyone on the lake, you must adhere to the hours of 9:30AM-6:30PM, seven days a week! Our lake is too small for any one homeowner to determine their own personal rules of lake usage. To alleviate shoreline erosion, and to help the current alum treatment last longer, please keep your wake-generating boating towards the center of the lake.