Dick and Maryanne Teeter
Dick and Maryanne Teeter (Formerly Julia Eberhardts)
Dick and Maryanne Teeter (Formerly Julia Eberhardts)
Teeter’s Cove This photo was taken in 1968. Teeter Family History In 1849, Richard Teeter started a furniture business in Hawley on the corner of Main and Church Streets. The original 2-story building contained a workshop and store. By 1860, the business was enlarged with two 3-story additions! Teeter also entered the funeral business. In […]
Paul and Randi Olsen Home Was this ‘Doc’ Olsen’s house many years ago? Mrs. Olsen, a spry ninety-generian, and daughter Liz Olsen Smith live in the house on the point now. In the old Hanner’s House. Or there abouts. Liz Olsen Smith is very active in the Lake Association.
MacCleary (now Preziosi) and Olsen Lake Houses On the right is the MacCleary House (now owned by Preziosi). On the left is the lake house of Dick Olsen whose parents were Raymond & Martha Olsen who bought it in 1961.