The Robins (Dot, Rusty, Donna, and Rusty Jr.)
At the age of 4 in 1949, I saw my first daddy-long-leg spider, chased fireflies, marveled at dragon flies and darning needles, and had a nightly visit from a deer who brought her fawn to see me. It was love at first site with Lake Teedyuskung. In 1999, I returned to the same little cabin to see what I could see about this idyllic childhood I remember.
That first year my family rented Grandma Saaf’s little cabin for two weeks. Grandma Saaf’s cabin in well back on the “back road”, now known as the West Side Road. Grandma Saaf arrived there as a small child in a wagon, after a two-week trip from Rowlands, six miles away on the Lacawaxen River. Grandma Saaf lived to be nearly 100 and stayed right there in her little cabin summers until she was in her late 80’s. In 1950 we stayed at the white Travelpeace / Hutchinson house on the lake two lots down. This was also an early settler at the lake. By the third year my parents had taken out their first and only loan and bought a tiny house about 5 lots north of the Saaf cabin formerly owned by a Mr. Weber. The next year my father built half-a-house up against the little cabin and we went in and out of the new half through a window. By the following year, the little cabin was torn down and the other half of the new house was built.
Between 1949 and the year I took off as a young adult to begin traveling the world, I walked, swam, boated and played with kids, lots of kids, who were also having the time of their young lives there on Lake Teedyuskung. The house was sold around 1979 to finance a less rustic retirement for my folks and another family got to enjoy growing up at the lake.
Donna Robins, the author, on Grandma Saaf’s little cottage. Summer 1999
This website hopes to present the flavor of what the lake and its surroundings were like 50 years ago, and what it is like in 1999. Surprisingly, more has remained the same, than has changed. Who would have suspected that Lake Teedyuskung would be predominately the same. Yes, the back road is gray gravel now instead of red shale, and there are a few large houses where little cabins used to be, but the daddy-long-legs, lightening bugs, dragon flies, darning needles, and deer (lots of deer) and so are the kids having the time of their lives.
Rusty Robins’ Jr.hauling water up the path from the pump house near the lake. Looks like Fall, maybe 1962 or so.
Russ and Dot Robins. 1960’s
Here’s Rusty Junior trying to catch ‘the big one’ out of the Lake. 1960’s